Thought provoking, challenging and inspiring presentation or course
Can you take the basic ideas from one school system and transform it into another?
Yes, is the short answer. However, we are not blind to the fact that it takes some work. Above all, it requires an overview. Therefore, we have created The Nordic Teaching Model. The model is a bridge to understanding the Nordic Schools. The Nordic Teaching Model is based on research and is a practical school leader or teacher development tool that enables school leaders and teachers to analyze and share their professional knowledge and their practical experiences.
Similarly, The Nordic Teaching Model enables you to apply the Nordic Way into your school. Therefore, we have a large variety of practical methods and key insights into what you can do to easily improve in daily management and teaching.
Learning Points:
- In the Nordic School Systems we have an obsession with the students’ wellbeing. After all, the students’ must live before they can learn. These are the words of a Danish philosopher who transformed the way we work with the students. Therefore, we spend time on building relationships with our students and care about their well-being. We will show you why and give specific examples on how.
- Above all, The Nordic Teaching Model gives school leaders and teachers an insight on what to do even better well in their daily management and teaching. We will give you the opportunity to work methodically with the model through out the presentation or course.
- After that, we will work more into detail with three overall competencies: Teaching Competence, Classroom Management Competence and Social Competence. In addition, we will show you how to use the Nordic Teaching Model to perform a self evaluation in the three competencies.
In conclusion, we can provide you with research based methods to transform The Nordic School System to your school.